Please note all prices are in New Zealand dollars.

WWII German 1933 SS Dagger, Scabbard and Hanger **ORIGINAL**



SKU: TIM 1094 Category:


A WW2 German 1933 SS EM Dagger by Robert Klaas – Measuring 373 mm in length with the scabbard on, this SS Dagger is engraved “Meine Ehre heißt Treue” which means “My honour is called loyalty” on the blade, maker marked “ROBERT KLAAS SOLINGEN” with the company’s dual stork insignia in the centre on the reverse ricasso. The blade exhibits the usual in and out runner marks, the blade measuring 217 mm in length. Nickel plated fittings on both crossguards. Ebony-coloured wooden handle. Embedded aluminum eagle shows nice detail. Above the SS insignia shows a slight hairline crack and seems to have been on there for some time as well as 2 hairline cracks under the left hand side under the pommel. pommel remains tight, with the dagger measuring 342 mm in length. The nickel-plated ball at the end of the scabbard shows a slight ding in the end, the locket held in place via two screws, the dagger hanger is maker marked with Assman DRGM insignia.  The scabbard measuring 247 mm in length.

I am no expert on SS daggers but the way I see it it is an original SS dagger, possible changed cross guard and pommel at some stage of its life but this would have been at least 50 years ago if it happened at all. The blade and handle are original SS 100%. The scabbard is possibly not the original scabbard to the dagger but am unsure. This above comment is only the way I see it, I could be wrong and it could have been together all its life.

I have only ever owned 3 SS daggers before in my lifetime. I have seen about a few dozen during my life as well. But never really studied them.

What I honestly believe is we have an original SS dagger that has seen service use and has that “Been there, done that” look to it.

Photos taken outside and inside the lightbox showing every detail. Please look through all the photos so you know 100% what you are getting.

Condition as pictured