Another stunning collectors piece. These are absolutely legendary in the knife world.
This was purchased as a genuine WW2 example, these sell at auction for north of 3K. After seeking a second opinion from two experts, one said he is unsure and the other said it is definitely genuine so I am selling priced as a theatre example. It’s definitely old but I can’t verify that it dates back to WW2.
Grip form: heavy cast alloy pistol-style grip shaped for comfortable handling and fitted with a knuckle-duster like guard . The grip is specially shaped so that three fingers are positioned below blade and one, the index finger, is positioned above.
The blade, running at a right angle from grip, therefore projects from the middle of the clenched fist. Blade form: short, flattened oval section, double-edged blade tapering to narrow spear point. Two narrow fullers, which merge towards tip, are formed on each face.
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